The following
testimony began making sense to me in 2019, because I was not thoroughly familiar with the bible when Jesus gave me visions and dreams over a 24-year period.
Five of the 3D visions and
one picture that came into my mind, chronologically follows scripture, which is ironic because these visions happened randomly during odd and even semi dangerous events in my life. My visions are a living
testament that Jesus is who He says He is, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost ^ ^ ^ Trinity. He is the Master and the Creator, the Alpha and the Omega.
I am not a
scholar, and my mom's bible was a KJV, which made it hard for me to read, let
alone understand, so I have never read the bible from cover to cover. I could
never get past Adam and Eve. Jesus gently showed me who He is with five supernatural 3D visions. He knows what is best for my learning ability, as He does with anyone else who sincerely comes to Him. I now know that Adam and Eve broke the world, which caused God to come to earth incarnate.
I have
learned tiny bits and pieces of the bible over the years as a Christian in
progress, but I'm now learning more deeply than ever before and I will continue
learning throughout the rest of my earthly life, putting my studies into action daily. He is my guide, my savior, my
rest, and my trust. He is my everything. I'm nothing without Him.
First 3D Vision 1995: At the time, I didn’t realize that this vision was a calling from Jesus, but later learned that it was the Trinity. As I lay sleeping in an Amesbury bed & breakfast, a few miles from Stonehenge, I felt my heart buzz three times. This was 1995, before buzzing cell phones were available. After my heart buzzed, I woke up and saw a 3D vision… ¼ of a rainbow halo coming out of my heart, curving to my left, fading into the dark. This vision was bright enough to see in the dark.
Ironically, a week later, when I went back to St. Helens Oregon, my town was flooded. The Covenant of the Rainbow…12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between Me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."
The rainbow coming out of my heart signifies Noah's flood on my sinful heart. Spiritual baptism requires spiritual water from heaven. Full repentance can happen cold turkey or it can take time. For me it took a long time.
First 3D Vision 1995: At the time, I didn’t realize that this vision was a calling from Jesus, but later learned that it was the Trinity. As I lay sleeping in an Amesbury bed & breakfast, a few miles from Stonehenge, I felt my heart buzz three times. This was 1995, before buzzing cell phones were available. After my heart buzzed, I woke up and saw a 3D vision… ¼ of a rainbow halo coming out of my heart, curving to my left, fading into the dark. This vision was bright enough to see in the dark.
Ironically, a week later, when I went back to St. Helens Oregon, my town was flooded. The Covenant of the Rainbow…12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between Me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."
The rainbow coming out of my heart signifies Noah's flood on my sinful heart. Spiritual baptism requires spiritual water from heaven. Full repentance can happen cold turkey or it can take time. For me it took a long time.
The rainbow also signifies the light of the world, which is God Jesus, whom I call the color-light-spectrum.

Years later I
had dreams of being able to breathe underwater. The only other person who
breathed underwater with me in my dreams was an old friend, David, who I hadn't
seen for 20 years.
David hit rock
bottom while living in sins that did not fulfill his life. He cried out to God
and was blessed with three supernatural answers from Jesus over a period of six
Back to my first
vision... The three buzzes in my heart represent The Father, The Son, and The
Holy Ghost, letting me know that Jesus is all three and that Jesus is inside my
heart via The Holy Ghost. I did not know what any of that meant at the time. The Trinity buzzed
the doorbell, or in my case the ‘door buzzer’ to my heart, each buzz
representing one of the three of the Trinity, knocking on the door of my heart. It goes both ways... we can knock on God's adoring door and He can knock on our hearts. My vision reminds me of the lyrics from the DIO song Rainbow In The Dark.
Matthew 7:7-8 Matthew 7:7-8 NIV “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Then 1996 came
around, which was the first time I had gone into a psychiatric ward. For an
entire week, after smoking pot for one day, I became mute and placid, which
worried my parents. My dad said to me, "There's this guy named Paul from
the bible," that was all he said.
In my muted state, I asked Jesus from my mind, “Who are you?” Then I drew the Star of David and wrote Mawtoowa and Fawtoowa representing simplistic geometry that symbolized mother, father and child as a family tree of three points of the triangle. The Star of David made me think of lineage. Two overlapping triangles, one triangle represented the father's family, the other triangle represented the mother's family. God made geometry. Any Satanic symbols relating to geometry are ridiculous and false, a defiling of God's beauty and grandeur.
In my muted state, I asked Jesus from my mind, “Who are you?” Then I drew the Star of David and wrote Mawtoowa and Fawtoowa representing simplistic geometry that symbolized mother, father and child as a family tree of three points of the triangle. The Star of David made me think of lineage. Two overlapping triangles, one triangle represented the father's family, the other triangle represented the mother's family. God made geometry. Any Satanic symbols relating to geometry are ridiculous and false, a defiling of God's beauty and grandeur.
I now know that the Star of David represents the Trinity in Heaven and the Trinity turned upside down by Jesus coming to earth as a reflection of heaven, born into this upside-down broken world, like the cross of St. Peter. On earth as it is in heaven. Trinity, Tri, Triangle. Trinity, Tree-nutty because the Trinity is mysteriously cwayzies and miraculous with hard nuts to crack.
St. Peter's cross is the key to wisdom and the key of how to read between the lines. We must be a reflection of Christ, hence upside down cross, water, spiritual baptism, walking on water when one comes clean and washed by Christ, no longer weighed down by sin. Like a man sinking in a boat with gold, him clinging to the gold rather than to his life. He falls to the bottom of the sea with his gold and dies in his sins. Trust in God and you'll spiritually walk on water with your black rocks of sins and fool's gold kept under water as you are now free of that weight and can fly like the holy spirit and float as a seagull duck on water.
After my dad said something about Paul in the bible, I asked
Jesus from within my mind, “Who are you Jesus?”
John 5:39-40
39 You study the scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
Paul also asked the same thing, yet I still knew nothing of the
3 As Saul drew
near to Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around
him. 4 He fell to the
ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” 5
“Who are You, Lord?” Saul asked. ((I asked the same thing after my dad said,
'there's this guy named Paul from the bible', yet I knew nothing of the
bible.)) “I am Jesus, whom
you are persecuting,” He replied. 6 “Now get up and go into the city, and you
will be told what you must do.” 7 The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless.
They heard the voice but did not see anyone.
My dad told me to get in the minivan that day after he mentioned Paul in the bible, and after I asked Jesus who He was. In my muted and placid state, I followed my dad like a trusting child not knowing where we were going.
He took me to
St. Vincent's hospital in Beaverton, Oregon where I stayed for 3 days until I
snapped out of my supernatural trance. A doctor named Paul was very kind to me.
He squatted down to me as I sat on the floored mattress. He was serene and calm
to my senses. My family came the next day. They stood around me in a circle,
holding hands while my brother DJ, who was a preacher at the time, prayed for
me. (Ironically my brother has left the faith and he's now married to his second wife).
I would end up in psychiatric wards 3 more times. I also began praying to Jesus during the late 90's for Him to provide me with a husband and to guide our marriage. I would finally be married in 2021 at age 45 after finally repenting fully of sexual deviancy / fornication and saying this, "Jesus I fully give my life to you," which happened by the grace of David, one of my only Christians friends who told me sex before marriage is a sin.
Second Vision 2007: This vision happened after a breakup with a boyfriend back in 2007. Three months earlier my friend Carol told me on the phone that Jesus was in my heart, so I said to her, “I believe you.” Three months later, and shortly after this break up, I looked down towards the floor and saw a door opening from my heart towards the floor. On the inside of the door was Jesus holding a lamb. Jesus wore a gold crown with three embedded stones representing the primary colors, red, yellow, blue.
Second Vision 2007: This vision happened after a breakup with a boyfriend back in 2007. Three months earlier my friend Carol told me on the phone that Jesus was in my heart, so I said to her, “I believe you.” Three months later, and shortly after this break up, I looked down towards the floor and saw a door opening from my heart towards the floor. On the inside of the door was Jesus holding a lamb. Jesus wore a gold crown with three embedded stones representing the primary colors, red, yellow, blue.
This vision
also clarifies John 10 the good shepherds gate, Jesus on the gate/door of my
heart. It also represents Matthew 7:7 knock on the door, and it will open to you, which ironically Jesus knocked first with Him already inside my heart, with the three buzzes that buzzed the door to my heart. The three buzzes on my heart also means that Jesus would circumcise my heart, sheering off the old
wool / the old me, for the new wool / the new me to grow in the seed of the word. The old ewe, and the new ewe. I make jokes, tee he he he, butt seriously folks, bah ram ewe butt.
Later that day as I was in
my backyard, I saw in my mind a picture of a vertical, rectangular, stone
birdbath with a concave circle on top and one seed in the concave. At the time
I did not know that this baptismal seed is the spiritual seed of the word, the
word of Jesus that was waiting to be spiritually planted in my soon to be
circumcised heart.
This picture in my mind is indicative of The Sower and the
Seed. The baptismal stone, which is the undeniable concave structure of my spiritual heart of stone, holds the dormant seed of the word, until I come into full agreement with the buzzy,
buzz, buzz bee rainbow water and earth of my heart to allow the Holy Spirit to grow in my heart.
Get busy Bumblebee King Jesus and stab me with
your thorny crowned Sword of Truth. The Holy Spirit bird with the Trinity bees buzzing within my heart, with Jesus tilling and pruning, the Holy Spirit watering and planting, and God shinning His light down on His garden, which eventually blooms out of my heart of manure man-newer, becoming a new creature in Christ.
Luke 3:22 and the Holy spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, "You are my beloved Son, in You I am well pleased.
A few days
later, I had another 3D vision. It was the claymation lemur Zoboo pronounced
'Zahboo' from the children's TV show Zoboomafoo. This is significant. As I sat
on my bed I looked down and saw the claymation lemur wave at me saying,
"Hello". Jesus was telling me that I am His child, and that when you
spell Zoboo in anagram form you can get Bozoo. Bozoo sounds like Bozz You, like
Jesus telling me, "I Am the Bozz of You and I am the One Heavenly Father
showing you all of these 3D images and know that I love you as My child with
these toddler kiddie TV shows".
I had been
watching early morning toddler shows and kids shows since the year 2001 because I needed to regain my innocence and be cleaned of rotten, filthy,
entertainment movies like Silence of the Lambs, horror flicks, sex in movies.
The Teletubbies were my favorite. Thankfully, the Heavenly Father brings us joy
& laughter with toddler entertainment. I was a baby Christian who needed my mom and dad, who lived in my parent's basement, who loved watching baby TV shows, who was broken and finding God when everyone else was living for the world.
Third Vision 2009: While I was depressed and laying in my room, Jesus on the cross was at the foot of my bed. He fell on top of me. His
head was tilted to the right hitting my chest with one thorn from his thorny
crown piercing my heart. This vision was the cause of something that will be presented in the movie, which needed to happen in order for Jesus to show me the
meaning of His crucifixion and that I must continue taking up my own cross
every day.
Jesus said in
Mathew 10:34, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to
send peace, but a sword.” That thorn in my heart was His sword dibbering a hole
for the seed of the word to be planted deeply into my heart; telling me He was
crucified to pay for my sins. That my personal repentances of past, present,
and future are arrested in Him by following His commands and trusting in Him.
Taking up my own cross. Not loving myself and the world but loving Him.
I suggested to
Tarl to sincerely ask Jesus, from his heart, if Jesus was real. A few months
later he made an occult video saying this, "If Jesus doesn't show Himself
to me, and if I die tomorrow and see Him when I die, I will ask Him why He
didn't reveal Himself to me, and if I go to hell then oh well".
Tarl then went
on to say, with a smile and laughter, “Hell probably has sex toys with blades
on them”.
Some of his dark
humor is a bit much for me, but wow, I really got to Tarl in a good way,
something that most Christians who despise him can't do with him, because many
of those Christians are holier-then-thou, vile and vicious to him. Tarl is a
sweetheart who deserves better treatment. I hope and pray that he sincerely
asked or does ask Jesus to show Himself and I pray Jesus shows Himself to Tarl.
Fourth Vision 2018: I’d been straight sun gazing at the sun from time to time when my eyes were acclimated to do such a thing at the right moments; not after coming out of a dark house though. They say, “Never look straight into the sun or your retinas will burn”. I say it can be done if you know what you’re doing. When the sun rises and when it sets, those are the best times to look into the sun. Never look at noon on a hot day, or yes it will be hot on the eyes. It’s not something to be done all the time, only on special occasions. I’ve had my fill for a while. It’s spectacular and amazing.
Anyways, I went into my back yard in the morning and looked at the sun, which left a neon green circle of inversion in my eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut and see the colors change, because light is made up of the color spectrum; I love Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon. Eventually the spot or spots in the eyes called ‘blind spots’ will eventually dissipate; though much faster if you squeeze your eyes shut, off and on. After looking at the RISING SUN, I go in the front yard and look up at the sky where I see the neon green blind spot and guess who’s next to the blind spot? Jesus’ face is up in the sky next to that blind spot.
Dream, 5th Vision and 6th Odd Vision 2020:
One week before this dream, I asked Jesus to come into me. My Rock is and will always be Jesus. The gold and black rocks in the water represent black sin and the gold is mammon, as in choose which master, God or money.
In early September of 2017 during a drought, I prayed vigorously for the
rains to come and douse the Columbia Gorge fire after a fireman said on TV that
the perfect amount of rain was needed to help them gain control. That evening I
told the Pacific Ocean to send the perfect amount of water to the gorge. The
perfect amount of rain came that night. The next day on TV a fireman said they
got the perfect amount of rain. Prayer only works when God agrees with the
prayer for the right intentions.
The morning of Valentine 2020, I dreamed that I was a bird dove flying over the Columbia River. Halfway across the river, I transformed back into my human shell; I was walking on water. I look into the clear water to see golden rocks and small, black rocks. The rocks were at least three feet below the surface of the water. I kept walking on water until I stepped onto Sand Island. The trees on the south side of the island, where fireworks are shot off every Fourth of July, those trees were burning but they weren't burnt, they were still green while engrossed in flame.
One week before this dream, I asked Jesus to come into me. My Rock is and will always be Jesus. The gold and black rocks in the water represent black sin and the gold is mammon, as in choose which master, God or money.
My friend David, who was breathing under water with me in the dream I had earlier in this testimony, he told me that fornication, sex before marriage is a sin. My past few relationships, I gave those men marriage vows, which they did not write any vows back or discuss marriage, yet they would only have sex with me. I assumed that if I stayed with them forever, they would eventually succumb to marriage with me.
I told this to David, and he understood where my heart was, but he still insisted to me that fornication was a no no. After David made this clear to me, I said this to Jesus, "Jesus I fully give my life to you. I am all yours." That's when things finally changed, and I not only found my husband in Christ, Jamie, I also found that Jesus is the groom, and we are the bridegroom for the grow-mance of all eternity.
Not long after David cleared up my problem, by pointing me in the right direction, I finally met my husband on a Christian dating site where we hit it off right away. We both wrote each other marriage vows before we met each other, we asked each other on a regular basis if we'd marry each other, and we skyped 24-7 since we lived 6 hours away from each other. He has OCD and I have rheumatoid arthritis. We're both on disability. Jesus is the orchestrator on this miracle matchmaking from the time I asked Him back in 1998 to guide me through my marriage if He were to bless me with a husband.
One night after skyping with my husband Jamie, I was laying in bed watching TV and Jesus appears in front of me with a smile on His face and His right hand reaching out to me. Jesus is God with His right hand reaching out to me, confirming to me that through my sufferings, repentances, trust, friendship and obedience to Him, I have bore fruitfully and am worthy of His right hand, and yes we are saved by His grace alone, yet we are suppose to share our testimony's and the gospel because we do what He tells us to do.
I did not know what that vision meant, so of course I had to research it because I am not one to just read the bible front to back, I let Jesus point me to scriptures. In this case, more than anything, that vision tells me that Jesus is God. The only way to God is through Jesus, because Jesus is God.
Psalm 20:6
Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With the saving strength of His right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Matthew 25:33
And he shall set the sheep on his right hand
That is, the elect of God, and true believers, such as have the grace of God truly implanted in them; the sheep the Father gave unto Christ, and made his care and charge, whom he, as the good shepherd, laid down his life for; and who know his voice in effectual calling, and follow him in the way of his ordinances and appointments; and are comparable to sheep for their meekness and innocence, their simplicity and usefulness, and their harmless and inoffensive lives, and conversations: these Christ will set on his right hand, as a token of his affection for them, and a mark of respect and honour shown them, and as a pledge of that exaltation and glory he will be about to raise them to.
But the goats on the left;
that is, the foolish virgins, wicked, and slothful servants, graceless professors, who, because of the impurity of their hearts, the filthiness of their lives, and their offensiveness to Christ, are compared to goats: these he will place at his left hand, in token of his disaffection for them, as a brand of disgrace upon them, and as an intimation of that dishonour, and miserable condition they will quickly be in. These different situations plainly pre-signify how things will go with each, that one will be acquitted, and made happy, the other will be condemned, and become miserable. Agreeable to which the Jews say, that there is a right hand and a left hand with the Lord: they that are on the right hand, are such as have done well, and are (twkzl) , "for absolution"; and they that are on the left hand are criminals, and are (hbwxl) , "for condemnation". Some think the allusion is to the two Scribes in the sanhedrim, who stood before the judges, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, and wrote the sentences; the one of those that were acquitted, and the other of those that were condemned.
I've seen near-death-experience videos where people go to hell but are plucked out by Jesus after crying out to Him. Jesus tells them to go back to earth to tell the people that heaven and hell are both real. God can do whatever He pleases, including taking anybody out of hell who He can use to spread the gospels or to take to heaven if He so chooses to do so because He is the most forgiving.
John 5:21 For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom He pleases to give it.
I forgot to
mention that my heart buzzed one more time when I came back to Saint Helens
after my trip to the U.K. I was with friends in an old brick building named The
Saint Helens Apartments. That fourth buzz represents The Holy Ghost. That
fourth buzz was telling me that although The Trinity buzzed the door to my
heart, The Holy Ghost is always present in my heart and that I need to always ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit, through rest, in order to be as
prepared as I can be for the marriage of Christ and for my daily actions and reactions.
I am in no way perfect. My
sins, which are few and far between, are mostly, involuntarily thought based, but my tongue is the strongest muscle in my body, so I cuss sometimes at the crap in the world, yet I forgive and pray for those who upset me. This is good
because sinful thoughts or thoughts that involuntarily come out of nowhere that
come from the enemy, can be easier to overcome with guidance from the Holy
Spirit right there in my heart and mind, whereas sinful actions are much
harder to overcome.
Because I put my faith and trust in Jesus, I have fully and successfully repented of major sins, one of which
haunted me since age 3. I've been clean and sober since the year 2000.
Nonetheless, Satan will always try to attack, so although my mind may get
jostled from time to time, I'm guided by the Holy Spirit. My actions and
reactions are in healthy balance. No, I am not perfect. He is perfect. I
rest in Him.
In 2021, I am now in Klamath Falls Oregon with my husband and I prayed for rains again, which came to southern Oregon this late July and August during these 100 degree heat wave. Praying may also takes details, like praying for the perfect amount of rain to help the firemen.
In conclusion my 3D visions are chronological with the bible:
1.) 1995 NOAH ^^^ The Trinity buzzes the door to my heart. The rainbow arcs out of my heart. Like Noah's flood, my heart has been watered in order to test whether I drown in my iniquities or rise up like a sprout, the parable of the seed, and walk on water. The dry, baptismal seed sitting in the dry, baptismal well, waiting to be planted in my heart of man-newer.
2.) 2007 JESUS KING OF THE JEWS^^^ Jesus my Shepard on the door of my heart. He is either holding Himself, the sacrificial lamb showing me that He is God holding Himself, and or He may be holding me too?
3.) 2009 CRUCIFIXION^^^ Jesus the sacrificial lamb dibbering into my heart with His thorny crown of crucifixion to make room for the seed, the word of God.
4.) 2018 ACENSION^^^ Jesus ascended into Heaven, I see Him after looking straight into the sun. He is the morning star, greater than the sun and the planets.
2019 The baptismal seed, the word, is firmly planted in my heart with an abundance of wisdom.
5.) 2020 RIGHT HAND OF GOD^^^ Jesus presents His right hand to me, He is God. You cannot get too God unless by Jesus because Jesus is God.
We are all created in His
image. He loves our creativity, our awe, and our wonder. If we are smart,
during times of the good, the bad, and the huggly, we learn and practice faith
through our experiences in hopes of full, disciplinary repentance's. He is
patient, loving, kind, and slow to anger. He knows us better than we know
ourselves. He is grace under pressure and so can we be.
Here are the words in the video above. I'm singing in ching chong choy Chinese ching me a chong kind of
Hoo Nee
Ha New Wa Nee
Ho Jo Wa
Ho Naw Naw
'Hoo' means, “Who are You Jesus?”
'Nee' means, “I need You Jesus.”
'Ha New Wa Nee' means, “Have new water needs… as in me walking on water in my dream, helping me to find successful ways in reaching unbelievers.”
'Ho Jo Wa' means, “Holy Jehova Waters.”
'Ho Na Na' means, “Holy No No’s… as in the Holy Trinity says no no’s, so I best repent of any lingering thought sins and take in my daily bread everyday or else I’ll be subject to Satan lies.
'Ho Na Na' also has a double meaning of "Holy Gnaw Gnaws," gnawing on the bones of Christ, or drinking Him in like bone broth. Walka, walka, walka with Him and BEAR my own cross.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I liked my decoding attempt, I think it’s cute.
Hoo Nee
Ha New Wa Nee
Ho Jo Wa
Ho Naw Naw
'Hoo' means, “Who are You Jesus?”
'Nee' means, “I need You Jesus.”
'Ha New Wa Nee' means, “Have new water needs… as in me walking on water in my dream, helping me to find successful ways in reaching unbelievers.”
'Ho Jo Wa' means, “Holy Jehova Waters.”
'Ho Na Na' means, “Holy No No’s… as in the Holy Trinity says no no’s, so I best repent of any lingering thought sins and take in my daily bread everyday or else I’ll be subject to Satan lies.
'Ho Na Na' also has a double meaning of "Holy Gnaw Gnaws," gnawing on the bones of Christ, or drinking Him in like bone broth. Walka, walka, walka with Him and BEAR my own cross.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I liked my decoding attempt, I think it’s cute.
Life would be a tragedy without humor / FREEDOM of SPEECH.
It's our God given right to laugh and speak and sing,
even if we have free will that can get us into trouble,
may we find the Way, the Truth, and the Life
in our own personal experience in this broken world,
even if we stumble like toddlers,
because we are the Ratty Tatty Rugrat CHILDREN of JESUS.
We are not the adults of Jesus,
we are His Collateral Children,
yet we need to grow up in Him to become mature in Him.
So best we work with Him and glorify Him
in our own personal experience with His truth,
His way and His life, not our own idea of the way, the truth, and the life.
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Official Video)
Reach Out
Your own
personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
know I'm ah forgiv-ahSomeone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
Reach out
touch FAITH
Reach out touch FAITH
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Reach out touch FAITH
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver, I'll make you ah believ-ah-ah
I will deliver, you know I'm ah forgiv-ah-ah
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver, I'll make you ah believ-ah-ah
I will deliver, you know I'm ah forgiv-ah-ah
Reach out
touch FAITH
Your own personal Jesus
Your own personal Jesus